• Tara Curtis

    Tara Curtis is a Digital Sales Specialist for Fiskars, as well as the Owner and Founder of WEFTY. Tara's first career was advocating for the rights of rape victims. When someone experiences sexual assault, she starts by believing that person. Everyone deserves to live a life free from violence! You can find a rape crisis center near you by visiting RAINN. Tara is an LGBTQIA+ ally, and firmly opposes racism. Black Lives Matter. Every human being on Earth deserves to feel safe, included, valued, respected, and loved. Tara lives with her husband and two children in the only Waunakee in the world. Tara supports the volunteers in the Central time zone.

  • Jessica Lee

    Jessica Lee is an artist and writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has experience working with vulnerable populations and a special interest in the intersection of art, craft and narrative. Jessica learned to quilt while living in Kenya and working in refugee camps throughout East Africa. Jessica supports the volunteers in the Pacific time zone.

Memorial Quilt Coordinator

  • Justine Wilson

    Justine Wilson started as a volunteer with the Social Justice Sewing Academy in 2020 by creating a remembrance block and comfort quilt. She was deeply moved by the sense of loss, compassion, and dignity she felt as she worked on these projects, inspiring her to become more involved.She began stitching as a teenager and has tried many different types of hand work including cross stitch, knitting, embroidery, and hand spinning. But her favorite things to sew are those that bring people love, encouragement, and comfort in their daily lives: quilts to wrap around them and bags to carry the things that matter.

    She loves to create projects and design sewing patterns inspired by nature and is owner of the fabric shop Great Heron Thread Co., based out of her home in North Carolina where she lives with her husband, three children, a few cats, and a rabbit.